The basic premise of the Rolfing® Ten Series is to consider the relationships of the major segments of the body (head, shoulders, pelvis, arms, thighs, legs and feet) and how they are organized in gravity and to each other. Each session builds upon the previous one. Along the whole process, the conscious participation of the client during sessions and in between sessions will deepen the ongoing changes of the initial hands-on work.

Session 1-3

These first sessions are called the 'sleeve sessions' in the Rolfing dialect. Their goal is to loosen and balance the layers of fascia closest to the surface. Specifically, in session one we aim to bring more ease to the breath by working on the structures that directly act upon it: the ribcage, shoulders and the diaphragm. The second session targets the support of the body by addressing imbalances in the feet and the legs. This establishes a solid foundation for the following work. In the third session, we focus on the sides of the body by balancing the shoulder girdle, thorax, hips and thighs, therefore bringing more ease of movement and a general sensation of 'space' in the body. This sensation of spaciousness will become clear to you once you’ve experienced it.


Session 4-7

These are called the ‘core’ sessions. The idea of 'core' refers to deeper layers of the body. The physical territory extends from the pelvis to the top of the head. Session four begins by reaching deep tissue from the inner foot up to the bottom of the pelvis. Session five balances the surface and the deep abdominal muscles to the curve of the back. Session six is concerned with the deep back fascial line that goes from the foot all the way up to the back and session seven addresses the deep layers in the neck and head.

Session 8-10

In these final sessions, the emphasis is to integrate the changes we have made throughout the previous work so that it can be carried out in your daily life. These final sessions allow better coordination as a whole in your body. It will be experienced as more ease of movement and an overall physical comfort.
